
09. Sep 2024

35 new trainees started their careers with us.

Azubis 2024

On September 2, 2024, we welcomed 35 new trainees to our company. In a variety of training occupations, they took the opportunity to take an active part in shaping the future and acquire valuable skills for their professional careers. The range of chosen professions shows how broad our training opportunities are.

This year, we are delighted to welcome the following trainees:

  • 6 Electronics Technicians for Automation Technology
  • 5 Electronics Technicians for Operating Technology
  • 4 Mechatronics Technicians
  • 3 Dual Students for Electrical and Information Engineering
  • 4 Industrial Mechanics
  • 3 Cutting Machine Operators
  • 4 Technical Product Designers
  • 2 Warehouse Logistics Specialists
  • 1 IT Specialist for System Integration
  • 1 IT Specialist for Data and Process Analysis
  • 1 IT Specialist for Application Development
  • 1 Industrial Management Assistant

With the new trainees, the number of our junior staff has grown to a total of 89 trainees and 6 dual students.

The first few days were all about getting to know each other: The new trainees were prepared for their exciting journey with us in introductory workshops, company tours, training sessions and a company rally. This allowed them to gain their first impressions and familiarise themselves with their working environment. A trainee excursion lasting several days provides an opportunity to get to know each other better, promote team building and create a solid basis for future collaboration.

We are delighted to welcome our new trainees to the team and wish them all a successful start and an exciting and instructive training period.

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