
08. Jan 2024

Jährlich unterstützt Baumann Automation humanitäre Projekte durch Spenden.

Eine Herzensangelegenheit von uns ist es, durch eine finanzielle Zuwendung soziales Engagement zu unterstützen. Kurz vor Weihnachten überreichten wir zwei sozialen Einrichtungen insgesamt 8.000 €.

Amberg food bank: 4,000 euros

Baumann Automation was delighted to hand over a donation of €4,000 to the Amberg food bank (Amberger Tafel) in mid-December. The Chairman of the Board, Mr Bernhard Saurenbach, thankfully accepted the donation cheque and expressed his warm gratitude on behalf of the food bank for this significant support.

The financial donation comes at a crucial time, as the Amberger Tafel is facing increasing challenges. The food bank currently serves an impressive 1,300 households in the region. Although customers can now only come once a week, the food bank has an average of 340 pick-ups.

The drastic increase poses significant challenges for the Amberger Tafel, particularly in terms of fulfilling the needs of these additional households. The generous donation of € 4,000 will help to support the food bank in its important work and will enable the purchase of school bags for new school starters in 2024.

The Amberger Tafel continues its commitment to helping people in need and hopes for further support from the community to continue this valuable work in the future.

Spendenübergabe an Amberger Tafel
Spendenübergabe an Amberger Tafel

Dr.-Ing. Georg Baumann, Bernhard Saurenbach, Karl Ebnet

CERT Transilvania: 4,000 euros

As in previous years, Baumann Automation continued its commitment to the humanitarian Christmas campaign in the Apuseni Mountains (Transylvania/Romania) organised by CERT Transilvania. For the fourth time in a row, the company contributed a donation of 4,000 euros.

In mid-December, on a mild day with little snow, parcels containing food and other products were distributed to more than 150 families with limited opportunities, elderly people and children living on the top of the mountain. The positive deeds do not end with Christmas, as CERT Transilvania is organising further campaigns, including those to promote education in the region.

Dan Negrea, Branch Manager in Cluj, describes the experience of people giving back to the entire volunteer team through their kindness and gratitude. This motivates him to actively participate in the campaign every year. On behalf of CERT Transilvania Romania, he personally expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the donation in Amberg in December.

Spendenübergabe an Amberger Tafel
Spendenübergabe an Amberger Tafel

Karl Ebnet, Dan Negrea, Annette Baumann

Cert Transivlaniea
Cert Transivlaniea
Cert Transilvania
Cert Transilvania
Cert Transivlania
Cert Transivlania
Cert Transivlaniea
Cert Transivlaniea
Cert Transilvania
Cert Transilvania